

Ny rapport / new report: Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediment and biota

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

Medforfatter fra ENVS: Katrin Vorkamp

New article in Journal of Pesticide Science, authors from ENVS: Per Løfstrøm, co-author from ENVS: Helle Vibeke Andersen

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

The OML-SprayDrift model for predicting pesticide drift and deposition from ground boom sprayers.

New article in International Journal of Biometeorology, co-authors from ENVS: Robert Peel and Ole Hertel

- Medarbejdere

Do urban canyons influence street level grass pollen concentrations?

Dagsorden og bilag til LSU-mødet den 7. oktober 2013

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

Kan læses ......

Nordic Environmental Chemistry Conference NECC 2014

- DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi

The next Nordic Environmental Chemistry Conference (NECC 2014) will be held in Reykjavík, Iceland, 11-13th of June.

Erhvervspraktikanter i Roskilde

- DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi

Institutterne og DCE Centerenhed har i uge 41 2013 haft fire erhvervspraktikanter.

Efterårsferieplan for sekretariatet i ENVS for uge 42

- Medarbejdernyhed

Se planen her...

New report: Report of the individual review of the annual submission of Norway submitted in 2012*

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

*In the symbol for this document, 2012 refers to the year in which the inventory was submitted, and not to the year of publication.

Author from ENVS: Ole-Kenneth Nielsen

New report: Report of the individual review of the annual submission of Finland submitted in 2012*

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

* In the symbol for this document, 2012 refers to the year in which the inventory was submitted, and not to the year of publication.

Author from ENVS: Ole-Kenneth Nielsen.


New article in International Journal of Cultural Policy, co-author from ENVS: Berit Hasler

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

Exploring preferences and non-use values for hidden archaeological artefacts: a case from Denmark.

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