Status of the reconstruction of the soot and fire-damaged laboratories C1.29-C1.33
Full title: Emissions from shiPs and the Impacts on human healTh and envirOnMEnt in the nordic - now and in the future.
Årets første rapport om iltsvind i de danske farvande viser relativt lille iltsvind midt i august.
A new, up-to-date version of Basemap, will be applied in the national accounting.
Postdoc til SAMI pr. 1. oktober 2016.
Postdoc til SAMI pr. 1. november 2016.
It will study herbicide use on non-cropped areas such as pavements and parking lots in the city.
eDNA as technique for monitoring of invasive species and state of the environment.
Full title: a DECentralIzed management Scheme for Innovative Valorization of urban biowastE.
The project aim is to document the national calculation of methane from the biogas treated and non-treated slurry.
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