

Status på genopbygning af de sod- og brandskadede laboratorier C1.29-C1.33

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

Status of the reconstruction of the soot and fire-damaged laboratories C1.29-C1.33

EPITOME project granted by The Nordic Council of Ministers

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

Full title: Emissions from shiPs and the Impacts on human healTh and envirOnMEnt in the nordic - now and in the future.

Blæst har bremset udviklingen af iltsvind i de danske farvande

- DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi

Årets første rapport om iltsvind i de danske farvande viser relativt lille iltsvind midt i august.

Update of Basemap granted by Statistics Denmark

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

A new, up-to-date version of Basemap, will be applied in the national accounting.

Postdoc Scholarship in Environmental Economic Modelling and Policy Analysis

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

Postdoc til SAMI pr. 1. oktober 2016.

Postdoc Scholarship in Environmental Sociology

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

Postdoc til SAMI pr. 1. november 2016.

NoNewBAM project granted by The Danish Environmental Protection Agency

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

It will study herbicide use on non-cropped areas such as pavements and parking lots in the city.

eDNA project granted by DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

eDNA as technique for monitoring of invasive species and state of the environment.

DECISIVE project granted by Horizon 2020

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

Full title: a DECentralIzed management Scheme for Innovative Valorization of urban biowastE.

Biogas production project granted by The Danish Energy Agency

- Institut for Miljøvidenskab

The project aim is to document the national calculation of methane from the biogas treated and non-treated slurry.

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