Seminar with Quynh Nguyen

Atmospheric particles: A multi-analysis of the formation, chemical composition and sources in different ambient environments

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Tirsdag 4. februar 2014,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


K1.36, Roskilde



Quynh Nguyen finished her Ph.d. at ENVS in 2013 and is now a Post Doc at the Department of Chemistry at AU.

During her PhD study, Thu Quynh Nguyen investigated atmospheric aerosol particles, which play a key role in air pollution and climate processes. She studied multi-aspects in the life cycle of aerosol particles, including the formation, chemical characteristics and sources of particles in different ambient environments, especially in the fragile Arctic.

During the talk, Thu Quynh Nguyen will unveil the driving factors behind the occurrence of new particle formation. Chemical characteristics of particles involving the bulk characterisation of humic-like substances (HULIS) will be discussed in depth, as well as the chemical characterisation of organosulphates and related tracer species. Finally, she will present sources to atmospheric particles determined using receptor models.

Language: English

Location: K1.36

Time: From 12 to 13 a.m.