LCT-FORUM: European Commission looking for senior life cycle expert for scientific data management support in Ispra, Italy
This project will provide scientific support to the development of the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD), the European Reference Life Cycle Database (ELCD), the Platform's Resource Directories, and the Environmental Footprint (EF); amongst others. Particular attention will be on data related needs, including formats, nomenclature, quality requirements, and database/network infrastructure.
The following opportunity for a senior GrantHolder position has been launched by the European Commission:
Code: 2013-IPR-H-40-000-1637 - CAT 40 - ISPRA European Platform on Life Cycle Thinking and Assessment: Data management
This project will provide scientific support to the development of the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD), the European Reference Life Cycle Database (ELCD), the Platform's Resource Directories, and the Environmental Footprint (EF); amongst others. Particular attention will be on data related needs, including formats, nomenclature, quality requirements, and database/network infrastructure.
The ideal candidate shall have a related PhD and a minimum of 10 years of subsequent research experience (or or a minimum of 15 years of research experience after the first degree giving access to doctoral studies).
Further details, including for how to apply, are available at:> &type=GH