Course on research-based public sector consultancy (in English)
Online kick off 30 October and two-day residential course 19-20 November A course for everyone working with public sector consultancy
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Online kick off and two-day residential course
Every year, Tech offers a course for everyone working with public sector consultancy
The course consists of a 4-hour online kick off on Zoom and, after a few weeks, a two-day residential course at the Hotel Fredericia near Fredericia train station.
This course is aimed at employees and PhD-students at AU who wish to qualify for the ability to deliver research-based public sector consultancy.
The course is compulsory for all employees who will be working with science-based advice (e.g. researchers, senior researchers, senior advisers, professors, AC's, research assistants), both newly hired and experienced, as well as being an offer to PhD students.
The purpose of the course is to provide the student with the knowledge, skills and competences needed to provide independent, research-based public-sector consultancy of high quality and consistency within his field of research.
Note that the course is adapted to English and that not all materials will be available in English.
Learning Objectives
For a given consultancy assignment the participant can...
- Describe the individual steps in the advisory process and associated quality assurance and justify them, based on knowledge of agreements made and agreed quality assurance procedures
- Explain the formal background for different types of orders, based on the relevant legislation and knowledge of the politico-administrative system
- Outline a plan for communication and stakeholder involvement, based on considerations of good communication to the given target group in relation to different types of orders
- Reflect on their own role as a Researcher or Adviser, in relation to other stakeholders in the research-based public sector consultancy, including considerations of arm's length and freedom of speech.
Find current courses here
Find links for possible courses to come in English and in Danish here.